Starting on January 14th, and then on the 1st Sunday of Every Month in 2024

10:00am-1:00pm (Arizona Time)

Monthly Prayer Circle with Christ 

& the Divine Mother 

An Online Devotional with Michael Mirdad


Starting January 14, and then on the 1st Sunday of every month in 2024, we are dedicating the day to prayer and offering the devotional Monthly Prayer Circle with Christ & the Divine Mother. The intention is to enhance our relationship to God AND to release some of the intense karma we have on this planet that is calling for numerous catastrophes. And in this—once per month devotional prayer—we will create a greater connection to the Holy Spirit (Divine Mother) so that we can be directly connected to Spirit during the next several years on Earth. Prayers will be done each hour, on the hour, from 10:00am to 1:00pm AZ time (each prayer-time will last approximately 15 minutes).  The first two hours will start with the Sacred Sunday Service on Facebook or YouTube.  Then, starting at 12:00pm, we will continue the prayers on Zoom. The devotional day is FREE, but donations are welcome. 


Again, each of these days of devotional prayer will be presented on Zoom and will be recorded for replay, which means you can watch it at your convenience AND you can watch it more than once. However, the first two hours of prayer will also be shared live, at The Global Center for Christ Consciousness


Save these Dates in 2024:  

  • January 14th 
  • February 4th
  • March 3rd
  • April 7th  
  • May 5th 
  • June 2nd
  • July 7th
  • August 4th
  • September 1st
  • October 6th
  • November 3rd
  • December 1st

NOTE: We ALWAYS use Arizona time as our time zone, but you can check your local time equivalent here.


For questions or comments please contact us by email

About Michael Mirdad

A "teacher's teacher", and a "healer's healer"

Michael Mirdad is a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer, and author with an extensive background in spirituality and healing. He is the author of the best-selling books Healing the Heart & Soul, The Dark Night of the Soul, Creating Fulfilling Relationships, The Heart of A Course in Miracles, and You’re Not Going Crazy . . . You’re Just Waking Up! Michael has often been a keynote speaker at some of the world’s largest conferences, as well as being on radio, television, and various Internet programs. In addition to being the cover feature several times in Evolve Magazine, Michael has also been featured in such magazines as Yoga Journal, Sedona Journal, and Whole Self Times. He has traveled throughout the world for 40 years conducting thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops on spirituality, relationships, healing, and the awakening of the Christ within. His powerful and insightful private sessions have transformed the lives of thousands of clients. His vast knowledge and wisdom combined with his personal warmth, humor, and integrity have earned him the title of “Teacher’s Teacher” and “Healer’s Healer” from students, teachers, and authors around the world.

To learn more, visit


  • How long do I have access to the class?

    Once you've enrolled and paid, you'll have access to the course recordings for some time, and they will be downloadable if you would like to keep copies for yourself long-term.

  • Can I get a refund?

    Sorry, there are no refunds for online courses once you have registered. We are confident you will be more than happy with the course!

  • I still have a question, how can I contact you?

    We'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Send an email to [email protected].